You are here: Courses > Job-oriented German Courses
Job-oriented German Courses
We offer BAMF-funded job-related German courses at B2 level in two specialist areas:
- German for the care industry – non-academic health professions
- Industry and Technology
The courses consist of German lessons and specialised professional teaching where the students are taught the most important aspects of the relevant professions to enable them to make a successful transition into the working world.
These job-oriented courses end with a language examination in German specifically for the Care Industry or in German, both at B2 level.
For job seekers and people who receive German SGB II benefits from the Job Centre as well as for trainees the German course is available at no charge providing that they can present a valid Certificate of Eligibility (Berechtigungsschein). People in work are also able to take part if they pay part of the course fees themselves.